The International Spy Museum is an all new experience. Its dramatic new building in a new section of town is just the first sign of change.

With a larger space and new emphasis on science and technologies it is substantially different than the previous iteration that focused almost purely on human intelligence gathering.
Begin in the Briefing Center with confronting the questions, Could I be a spy? Do I have what it takes? If you are also taking part in the Undercover Mission experience, you assume your cover identity and begin to look at the world in a different way as you enter the Briefing Theater.
Entering the museum on the fifth floor, in the exhibit Stealing Secrets, you discover the theme told through the lives of six individuals in the center, while around the perimeter of the exhibit are the people and technologies they developed in tech ops gear.

The second section of the museum in on the fourth floor and begins in the Why Spy theater before commencing with George Washington as the first example of Spying That Shaped History.

The final section of the museum is labeled An Uncertain World and feature traitors, Cold War Berlin, Interrogation, terrorism and commercial espionage.

The tour concludes in the Debriefing Center if you are participating in teh Undercover Mission experience.

The International Spy Museum is a fit for entertaining education for those willing to pay for admission. For current admission and more details